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中国科学评价研究中心 Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE)









发表于 2024-6-6 01:01:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

武汉大学中国科学评价研究中心(  Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE)) 是一个文理交叉的跨学科的学术机构,主要由信息管理学院、学校图书馆、教科院、计算机中心与图书情报研究所等单位联合组建,挂靠在信息管理学院。





The Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation of Wuhan University (RCCSE) is an academic institution of across-liberal-arts-and-science trans-disciplines, which is co-sponsored by Information Management School, the University’s Library, Computer Center and Library & Information Institute of Wuhan University, and is located in the Information ManagementSchool.

The Center is the first one of comprehensive research center for science evaluation among Chinese colleges and universities, and is also a multifunctional agency entity engaging in researching, teaching, training and serving in evaluation and consultation.

The Center is based on the tenet of “innovative research and open service”, to serve for the country’s strategy of science and education’s prospering the country and for the modern construction, by the way of gathering social resources from home and abroad, creating new academic mechanism, fostering specialized personnel in evaluation and improving evaluation-consultation work.

The development goal of the center is to become one of the key research bases of the Humanities and Social Science of the Ministry of Education, or of the province, and then to become one of the first-rate evaluation centers in the country and of the well-known ones in the world through several years’ great efforts, while the Center now is one of Wuhan University.

Organization Structure


Innovative Research
Wuhan University is now the unique academic institution setting up the doctoral study program of Informetrics and Science Evaluation in the country, which enjoy much academic repute with a passel of scholars and treatises of great influence both home and abroad. Many research institutes related to science evaluation nationwide are located in Wuhan University, such as the Ministry of Education’s Information Resource Net of China’s Colleges and Universities, the Social Science Management Research Institute of All-China’s Colleges and Universities etc., and several teachers assume the academic office in the domain of all-China’s science evaluation and management. During the past few years, the university has carried out multi-discipline comprehensive researches focused on science evaluation, charged with and accomplished above 10 national and provincial research programs, acquired many research findings and work experiences, which shows its quite strong research power and groundwork.
The Center takes on or is commissioned to do 5-odd research projects of various kinds each year.
The Center sets guest research projects for well-known specialties or part-time researchers to do in the Center for 1 to 6 months every year.
The Center often co-operate research programs or evaluation activities with government organizations, scientific and educational institutions and enterprises.
The Center irregularly hosts or co-sponsors with other organizations from home and abroad academic symposiums, in order to strengthen exchanges and probe into key problems in the field of evaluation.
The Center builds study and exchange system including irregular references of academic reports, symposiums, exchange among experts and forums by network, etc.


Talent Fostering
The Center recruits master degree candidates and doctorate candidates in the field of Information Management and Science Evaluation from the whole country every year in order to foster leading scholars and advanced specialized personnel of science evaluation; it gathers special researchers in the country to jointly do the Center’s projects or tackle some key items in order to enhance entirely the research quality and level and to cultivate midlife-and- youth key specialized researchers for thecountry’s science evaluation career; it also develop to make itself a nationwide important education & training center of science & technology management and evaluation by the way of providing continuing education and training service for science & technology agency personnel.


Open Service
The Center is open to the whole society to provide various kinds of relevant services in comprehensively quantitative analysis and evaluation of various disciplines or industries through many methods, such as synthetic analysis integrating qualitative analysis and quantitative one, informetrics analysis (including bibliometrics analysis and scientometrics one): to accept items commissioned by enterprises, government organs and individuals to evaluate scientific research work, demonstrate project and provide consultation for their management, decision-making and social members; to provide support and service for network literature resource management and exploring, informationization construction, talent fostering and specialty setting in higher educational institutions in the country; to provide scientific research evaluation, the report of listing the order of main universities in a competition and consultation service for nationwide academic circle, scientific and educational circles, enterprise circle and relevant government administration departments; to provide information retrieval and evaluation service on thesis publishing and its being quoted for different kinds of institutions or individuals. The Center advocates energetically to establish a socialization science research evaluation system in order to meet the needs of comprehensive evaluation from various fields and make management and decision-making be more scientific.


The center edits and publishes a journal Evaluation & Management, 4 to 6 issues each year, which covers the development status and trends in the field of evaluation home and abroad, publishes research achievements and evaluation reports, and exchanges relevant information and propagandize evaluation activities and so on.
The Center sets up a Web site of its own, which functions as an important position and window to promulgate research achievements and academic exchange.
Anticipative monograghic evaluation reports and databases will be included the evaluation report of China’s science and technology, the evaluation report of China’s social science, the evaluation report of China’s Universities, the comparative research and evaluation report of Chinese and foreign-language journals (including digital journals and network journals), and the research and evaluation report of a series of American SCI source journals and scientific indexes. Building basic databases of evaluation in which the basic data of evaluation methods, models, index systems and evaluation objects is to support the scientific evaluation work with systematic and basic data.



刘  霞,女,中心副主任、研究员


董  克,男,中心研究员



陈 远,女,中心研究员

何 汶,女,中心研究员




R.鲁索(Ronald Rousseou),男,中心研究员、顾问、比利时著名科学计量学家、国际科学计量学与信息计量学学会学术委员会主任;

Wolfgang Glänzel,男,中心研究员、客座教授、比利时鲁汶大学教授、国际科学计量学和信息计量学学会(ISSI)理事长、著名国际科学计量学和信息计量学高影响期刊Scientometrics主编;





崔  雷,男,中心研究员、中国医科大学信息管理系教授;




The researchers of the Center consist of full-time researchers and part-time ones. Most of them coming from famous universities or relevant institutions home and abroad. They are either well-known experts or young doctors and masters, who form a better academic team with quite appropriate structure in their knowledge, ages and academic titles.  The main researchers are listed as follows:

Pro. Zhao Rongying : female, director of the Center, doctorate supervisor

Liu Xia : female, vice-director of the Center , research officer

Yang Siluo: male, research officer of the Center

Dong Ke: male, research officer of the Center

Zhou Liming: female, research officer of the Center

Zhang Meijuan: female, research officer of the Center

Chen Yuan: female, research officer of the Center

He Wen : female, research officer of the Center

Zhu Yinmei: female, research officer of the Center

Shu Mingquan: male, research officer of the Center

Part-time researchers are listed as follows:

Ronald Rousseou:male, consultant of the Center, research officer. A famous metrologist of Belgium, the director of academic committee of the International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics (issi)

Wolfgang Glänzel: male,research officer of the Center, Visiting Professor. The Professor of University of Leuven, Belgium, Chairman of International Conference on Scientometrics and Information(ISSI), Editor-in-Chief of Scientometrics( a well-known international journal with high impact on scientometrics and information metrology)

Pro. Jiang Guohua: male, consultant of the Center, research officer. Vice-dean of Chinese Academy of Management Science, vice-syndic of Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy (CASTP), director of the Scientometric Committee

Pro. Xie Kefan: male, research officer. Vice-dean of Management School of Wuhan University of Technology, doctorate supervisor

Pro. Fan Bingsi:  male, research officer. Head of Information Management Department of East China Normal University

Pro. Dang Yaru: female, research officer. Director of Information Science Institute in Tianjin University of Civil Aviation

Pro. Cui Lei:  male, research officer.  Professor of Information Management Department of China Medical University

Dr. Wang Yuefen: female, research officer. Professor, head of Information  Management Department, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Dr. Huang Xiaobin: male, research officer. Professor of Information Management Department of Sun Yat-Sen University.

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